After two tours in Spain, the Hold the Standard Summit will venture to a new continent November 4th and 5th. Our good friends in Sydney, Australia at CrossFit Creature are set to host the next Hold the Standard Summit, which is a two day event for coaches, leaders, and gym owners in the strength and conditioning space to learn leadership, organizational culture, and the intricacies of DEUCE’s systems and strategies for excellence.
Attendees will dive into the prevailing academic models on how people and organizations work, the ground floor mechanics of high performance teams, and how to develop these capacities in other organizations. The conversation will include marketing with excellence, plug and play programs, and business systems that can be implemented on Monday morning. In addition, organizations can learn to become process oriented masters of development with Coach’s Prep.
Space is limited and all applicants must first inquire at seminar@deucegym.com in order to be considered in the course.
Logan Gelbrich
10/3/17 WOD
Complete the following for time:
2K Row
Bench Press
3x 25 DB Tate Press