I’ve picked up the phone nearly a thousand times with the following words: “Thanks for calling DEUCE Gym, this is Logan. How can I help you?” For what feels like nearly half of those times, the voice on the other end jumps to the chase:

“How much is unlimited?”

I know that the rest of the team here at DEUCE has had a similar experience answering the phone. Those questions usually come from semi-experienced folks on the other end of the line who are inquiring about an unlimited CrossFit membership. You can’t blame these callers for asking, either. The industry standard in CrossFit is to, at the very least, offer an unlimited membership. Furthermore, many affiliates only offer an unlimited membership. Yet, we never have.

“The biggest membership we have here is five days per week. Actually, a large majority of our students come here just two or three days per week,” is how I would start to answer these callers’ question much to their surprise. For nearly seven years now we haven’t offered an unlimited membership, not because we wanted to be different, but because we felt it was inappropriate for nearly everyone stepping into the gym for the first time. If we’re going to enroll people in a school of fitness of the highest caliber, selling people memberships that aren’t sustainable seemed counter to our values.

As of October 1st, we will be offering an unlimited membership for the first time in our history. Naturally, this begs the question, “Why?”

Our view is that there are some students who have progressed their fitness incrementally to take on five plus days per week responsibly. In addition, we’ve recently granted access to the DEUCE Gymnastics and DEUCE Weightlifting specialty courses with GPP memberships. As a result, this is the first time in our evolution that the unlimited membership has made ethical sense. From now on, the four and five day per week memberships will no longer exist. Students will enroll in either two, three, or unlimited training classes per week.

If you’re interested in taking the plunge for the first time with a full time membership, or you’re a current member who’s looking to upgrade, reach out to a coach to see if it’s right for you. Happy training!


Logan Gelbrich


9/27/17 WOD

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

Run 800m

10 Toes-to-Bar

8 Unbroken Sandbag Front Squats (AHAP)

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