Our friends in Houston, Texas are suffering from a catastrophic once-in-a-thousand-year storm. With more that fifty-two inches of rain, the city is overwhelmed and we want to help. Part of the destruction includes dozens of community based gyms just like DEUCE who will not being able to return to business without outside help.
Several of our brother and sister gyms in Texas are stepping up to do something about it, and we’re throwing our hat into the ring, too. We’re following the strong lead of CrossFit Central, Behemoth CrossFit, Trinity Restorative Care, and CrossFit Redefined who have boots on the ground.
This Saturday we are inviting the greater community to come out, train with us, and support this important cause. We will be taking donations both electronically to the event’s GoFundMe and cash on site. DEUCE Gym will match any donations received Saturday, so don’t be bashful.
Can’t make it but still want to help? Please DONATE HERE!
Logan Gelbrich
PS – If you’d like to share the Facebook event page, feel free to invite anyone and everyone here.
9/22/17 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for reps of:
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
Max Burpees
-Rest 3 min-
Max Cal Row
-Rest 3 min-