With attendees from Mallorca, Hong Kong, Helsinki, and beyond, the Hold the Standard Summit in Barcelona, Spain was a raging success. For two days I was able to volley back and forth between big picture academic concepts and specific tried-and-true DEUCE Gym principles to share our method with a motivated group of leaders from a number of organizations from around the world.
More than a dozen coaches and entrepreneurs learned about the brilliant work of minds like Frederic Laloux and Robert Keagan about the most evolutionarily adapted organizations in the world. We dove into often glazed over concepts of leadership, performance, and what it means to be a high performance team. The two day event was rounded out with best business practices from behind the curtain at DEUCE Gym, including systems and programs that allow us to operate efficiently.
While I’m completely exhausted, I feel empowered and inspired. This group brought an incredible effort. Make no mistake. The DEUCE ripples are rumbling further and further into the world, people, and just being a part of it is humbling for me. If it wasn’t for our friends at CrossFit Example hosting and Oviedo Strength organizing, this wouldn’t have been possible. For that, I say, “Thank you!”
See you soon!
Logan Gelbrich
9/18/17 WOD
Tempo Strict Pull Ups
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
12 Hollow Rocks
8 Strict Dips
Then, AMRAP 15
Run 400m
15 Thrusters (95/65)