With our hands full taking care of current events, it’s rare that Danny and I get a chance to share the DEUCE Gym origin story. Our friends at Power Athlete HQ gave us the opportunity to do just that on their acclaimed strength and conditioning podcast.
Danny and I joined Luke, Tex, and John for a lengthy discussion about our founding days in the park to what others are now recognizing as a gym worth paying attention to with four walls (three walls and a roll up door to be exact) and a real address. From the days of hauling gear to and from Palisades Park, we transitioned into what is happening at 110 Lincoln, how we develop coaches, and what is in the recipe for culture creation.
We invite you to give a listen. This episode won’t disappoint!
Logan Gelbrich
8/29/17 WOD
“Bear Complex”
Make 5 attempts at the following for load:
7 rounds:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press
-Rest as needed-