What has happened to our discernment? It’s our ability to be discerning that nurtures the evolution of our friend circles, communities, and ultimately our world. When you’re discerning you say, “No.” Discernment is principled and honest. We all have opinions but, surely, if these opinions are quite we cannot be discerning.
Think about it. The simple idea of having a standard and holding someone or something to that standard is the act of being discerning. Yet, if we consider the connotation of the word, it may be distractingly negative. I’d encourage you not to let this silly detail lead you astray, though. If we pay attention to where discernment comes from, it’s quite positive. It’s the desire for a level of greatness. It’s a hopeful expectation. It’s an outlook on the the world and the people in it that seeks goodness.
I don’t care if we’re talking about french fries, hotel rooms, mid-level managers, or dating material, be discerning. Choose good ones. Reject bad ones. Speak up.
A world without discernment is a world of mediocrity. It’d be full of bad movies, inconsistent restaurants, and underwhelming performances. We cannot hold the standard and refuse discernment at the same time.
Logan Gelbrich
8/15/17 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for quality:
4 Wall Walks
6 DB Slide Lunges (Ea)
8 DB Bent Over Reverse Fly
Then, Complete 5 rounds for time of:
3 Overhead Squats (135/95)
12 Lateral Plyo Skier Hops (20″)
20 Med Ball Russian Twists