In Chris Harms’ short time with us he jumped into the role of a humble beginner. This was a hat he wore consciously, because he was an accomplished college athlete and current intern at UCLA’s strength and conditioning program. It wasn’t his first rodeo, but he treated his days with us as such.
Once he met the minimum requirements to do so, he jumped in to Coach’s Prep here at DEUCE Gym as soon as possible. Shortly thereafter he accepted a position as the head strength and conditioning coach at his alma mater, Occidental College, a NCAA Division III program near Pasadena, CA. His passion for details and student-of-the-game mentality led him on a quest for knowledge beyond our Coach’s Prep classroom into countless seminars and texts, and the hard work is paying off.
We’re pleased to announce that Coach Harms has been offered and accepted a position as strength and conditioning coach at NCAA Division I program, University of Hawaii.
I can’t help but recall the speech my manager gave us when our strength coach was promoted to the head job at Stanford back in 2006. He said, “Gentlemen, get used to it. Winners leave. It’s what they do. You’ll see that throughout your life and it’s a good thing. The winners leave.”
You might be leaving, Coach Harms, but you’re a winner. Congratulations!
Logan Gelbrich
7/28/17 WOD
Complete 5 rounds for time of:
10 Cleans (135/95)
400m Run
**Athletes can compare their score to their effort on July 7, 2017