**DEUCE Gym is closed to the public today while the Red Bull Media House does production**
Is life not hard enough? When we actually observe ourselves, we have odd behavior. Us humans have a knack for getting in our own way, don’t we? We have baggage and insecurities. We overthink things and self-sabatoge. What other creatures do this?
Come to think of it, our daily decisions are run through filters that have nothing to do with the quality of of our choices. The human mind, while capable of so much, often clouds our best behavior. Think of the clarity in the life of a seagull or a city squirrel, let alone a lion on the Sahara. These creatures don’t undermine themselves. They maximize their survival. Can we say the same? Can you say the same?
Controversial thinker and writer Ayn Rand says it best, “Man is the only living species that has the power to act as his own destroyer—and that is the way he has acted through most of his history.”
Cut it out, people.
Logan Gelbrich
7/27/17 WOD
[Tempo Run Challenge]
From a specific starting location, run at a comfortable pace for exactly 12 minutes. At the twelve minute mark, return to your starting point as quickly as possible.
**If you’re total time exceeds 24 minute, immediately perform 50 burpees