When the idea of creating a DEUCE Gym beach towel came up, Coach Danny was adamant about it being excellent. We’ve all seen those gimmicky graphic promo towels that, to be blunt, are more valuable in the trash can than in your linens closet. Well, he found the source because this towel holds the standard.
We aren’t sure if the thread count is a thousand, three thousand, or what, but it’s soft. If I were to guess, its design is likely influenced by the Egyptians. In fact, rumors have been swirling that it could almost be legally called cashmere. I don’t want to get into an argument with you that has legal ramifications, but I’ve made my point. As you would expect, the DEUCE Beach Towel is incredible. Get yours today!
Logan Gelbrich
7/19/17 WOD
Complete the following for time:
800m Run
50 American KB Swings (50/35)
25 Wall Balls (20/14)
750m Row
50 American KB Swings
25 Wall Balls
800m Run