What if I told you that the best goals are unsettable? That’s right. You can’t even set the goals that are the most spectacular to accomplish. The reason, of course, that you can’t set them is because you don’t know what you don’t know.
These are called blind spots.
Part of the beauty of our own evolution is that our current, limited self cannot see what our future, more complex self can see. If you’re doing the tough work now to evolve yourself, I’ve got good news. There are things you can’t possibly even know that you want, that you’ll not only learn to want for yourself, but you’ll have the capacity to do so.
When people join the gym, I often catch myself smirking and saying to myself, “You don’t even know what’s coming your way.” This is such a good feeling because it means we can over-deliver. Oh, did you come for some better cardio and more hip mobility? Great! You’ll get that, but you’re going to become a better manager at work, too. Did you sign up for a better body fat percentage? Cool! We’ll send you home leaner, but let’s tack on a confidence you never knew you could possess, too.
If you could possibly know all your goals, you’d only be able to achieve them with the same frame of mind that set them. Consider that your development (if you’re doing it right) will lead you to perspectives and ultimately goals that are currently in your blind spots. You can’t see them.. yet. Go out and chase your goals, but relish in the notion that if you’re evolving and focused on the process that there are results coming your way that exceed even the wildest dreams that you signed up for.
Logan Gelbrich
7/18/17 WOD
Bench Press
3x 15 DB Tate Press
3x 10 DB Row
Then, Complete 3 rounds for reps of:
10 DB Snatches (50/35)
10 Toes-to-Bar
-Rest :90-