Well, anything and everything is the answer, of course.
Orient yourself into a position that you can learn from. Progress in life comes through learning. We all know challenges are going to present themselves to us daily. Life is full of events. Events inherently drive emotion. Emotion is a fantastic tool, and I firmly believe much of life is contained in feeling. Feeling is where life is. If you are feeling, you are truly living. But, feeling sometimes steers you in a different direction than learning. You see, learning is very black and white. You are learning, or you are not. On the contrary, feelings are meant to be the clearest expression of the color they are. They are not directly, and sometimes completely inversely, related to learning and progress. Learning and progress are not comfortable. Change is not comfortable, nor is it emotionless.
I tell you friend, if you can admit that, you can learn. If you admit that you can progress and if you can see the opportunity to get better through the fog of emotion, you, my friend, are a person capable of great things.
We are going to have emotions. We can be sure of this. Nonetheless, learn and walk forward through the fog. Anchor yourself in the position of learning. Anchor yourself in the black and white of humble pursuit. Feel the emotions. Feel all of them. But, don’t rely on the emotion to carry you forward. Consider it the parties along the way. When you admit to yourself that you can learn, anything becomes possible. Difficulties become very surmountable hurdles. Make sure that the bricks that are beneath your feet are those of a student, a student of the game, a student of life, a student of the pursuit to betterment, but keep a tether. Stay tethered to your emotions. Don’t forget about them. Don’t forget about the parties along the way. Just pick and choose the ones you want to attend, and the ones you want to pass on.
Learning and emotion are all part of a successful life, but they are two very different tools. I would heartily suggest that you pursue both. Growth comes in all directions.
Danny Lesslie
7/7/17 WOD
Complete 5 rounds for time of:
10 Cleans (135/95)
400m Run