Listen up, people. Get ready to flex your social muscles, because it’s not just about push ups and pull ups around here. Join us for a very casual evening out at ‘The Lincoln‘ Thursday June 29th from 7PM on into the night.
There are no expectations, reservations, or proper attire required. Come have a drink and chop it up with your classmates. See you there!
Logan Gelbrich
6/27/17 WOD
Accumulating 3 rounds of the following with a partner:
100′ Banded Running Drill
50′ Partner Handstand Walk
5 Toe-to-Ring Swings
Then, complete the following for time:
3 Rounds:
Partner A: 250m Row
Partner B: KB Squat Hold (53/35)
3 Rounds:
Partner A: 10 burpees
Partner B: 200m Run