We take great pride in the idea that DEUCE Gym represents a place of learning. In that spirit, we love to play host to educational opportunities of all kinds. This summer there will be multiple opportunities to do just that. Join us July 8th and 9th for the StrongFit: Principles and Philosophy of Training Seminar right here at 11o Lincoln Blvd.
Both athletes and coaches alike are welcome to expand their understanding of movement for this two day course. Space is limited and the world-wide success of the seminar means it will be a sell out, so don’t delay.
In addition, a smaller, more select group of motivated coaches may have interest in “Coaches Week,” which will follow starting July 10th. This will include a hands on week long intensive with Coach Julien Pineau and Richard Aceves.
Interested? Enroll here.
Logan Gelbrich
6/5/17 WOD
Spend 15 minutes on the 3 position snatch…
Snatch Grip Deadlift
Then, complete 3 rounds of:
:30 Max Cal Row
-Rest 2:30 Rest-