**We will be closed Monday 5/29 in observance of Memorial Day**
Memorial Day is a special day at 110 Lincoln. Join us at 10AM for a tribute workout to salute our fallen service men and women. As per tradition, we will be tackling “Body Armor” a favorite workout named by Michael himself that was later renamed “Murph” in his honor.
Lt. Michael Murphy was killed in action in the Hindu Kush mountains of Afghanistan on a mission to kill or capture, Ahmad Shah, a high ranking Taliban leader. His position and that of his three other teammates Danny Diez, Matt Axelson, and Marcus Luttrell was compromised by several goat herders. After letting them go, the men soon began surrounded by an overwhelming Taliban militia. In the ensuing gun battle, “Murph” understood his teammates situation dire and he opted to move to an open position under gun fire to make an emergency call from a satellite phone. It was during this call that “Murph” took fatal shots.
He would later be awarded the Medal of Honor.
Today we say an impossible “thank you” to the men and women who didn’t make it home and their families for enduring such loss in the name of freedom.
Logan Gelbrich
5/29/17 WOD
“Body Armor”
Complete the following for time:
Run 1 Mile
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
Run 1 Mile
**If you have body armor or a weight vest, wear it.