**There will be no regular classes Monday in observance of Memorial Day**
Monday is a big day around here. Join us at 10AM to salute the men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in service of our country. Memorial Day will be celebrated at the garage in true DEUCE fashion with some fitness and a whole lot of community fun.
We’ll specifically pay tribute to fallen US Navy SEAL Lt. Michael Murphy who was killed in action and later awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions.
All are welcome to the event, whether you’ll be working out or not. Keep in mind that there will be tacos provided and we ask that you bring your own beverages. That means it’s a party, people.
Spread the world and we’ll see you Monday!
Logan Gelbrich
5/26/17 WOD
Paused Front Squats
Then, complete 12 rounds for time of:
1 Clean and Jerk (155/105)
10 Squats
1 Bar Muscle Up