Whether it’s deployed as means to justify supplementing with performance enhancing drugs or it’s an argument for subscribing to a fruitarian diet, be weary of the naturalistic fallacy. After all, human growth hormone (HGH) is produced naturally in the body and consuming thirty-one bananas per day (and subsequent Type-II Diabetes) excludes all unnatural food. Neither are logical arguments for PED use or extreme nutrition practices.
If you’re looking out for this in the wild, you may recognize a pattern of faulty logic that looks like the following reference:
“That which is natural, is good.
N is natural.
Therefore, N is good or right.
That which is unnatural, is bad or wrong.
U is unnatural.
Therefore, U is bad or wrong.”
While there may be a large number of natural things with admirable, positive qualities and there might be a large number of unnatural things with undesirable, negative qualities, it’s important to recognize that this isn’t a rule. If you’re using this as a justification for some behavior, keep looking. You may be standing on shaky ground.
Logan Gelbrich
5/18/17 WOD
Spend 10 minutes accumulating 25 HSPU..
Then, complete 5 rounds for time of:
10 Deadlifts (225/155)
10 Burpees