Control. We all battle with control in our lives. We all have our own relationships with control, and life definitely has a way of testing your resolve with your own choices. I feel this all the time. Keeping this in check and controlling what is yours to control can be very fulfilling effort and a very challenging task.
On the other hand, letting go of control can be the most freeing experience. Having children really has tested my relationship with control, because I had to admit that maybe I wasn’t in control of what was happening. When my two year old goes running around, all I see are all of the possible accidents waiting to happen and all I want to do is follow her around like a hawk and catch her so she doesn’t get hurt. This is not productive for me and my sanity, or her and her learning for that matter. So, I am getting better at being OK with her falling down, and just steering her away from big falls and streets and things. This is quite the journey, or it has been for me.
As my to do list has grown, I have become more OK with letting go of control. It is not necessary, nor possible to control everything in your daily life. A great example is fitness. I think that we all run into this battle. A lack of motivation, doing the same stale old routine, or just being bored in general, can curb any fitness pursuit. This has a huge effect on your progress and, to be honest, I believe then has a huge effect on your daily existence. When you feel invigorated from your workouts everything is sharp, including your relationships, your work, and your mind. Letting go of the plan for your workouts may just be the invitation you need to break through the plateau you may be experiencing.
Here at DEUCE we have multiple programs run by multiple coaches, and we all are constantly programming. To be honest I love hearing what someone else wants to do for a workout instead of thinking of my own. When it’s new and fresh it’s exciting. This is no excuse to chase fads. There are plenty of those. The movements that work have been around for much longer than any of us have, and they will continue to yield results. For God’s sake, if you are bored in your routine, check out a class. Ask a coach for something different to do. Progress, desire, and success are right there in front of you. It’s your job to stay plugged in. Take a load off and let us have the reigns for awhile. You can let yourself off the hook, and this may be your fast forward to the breakthrough you have been looking for. Start the fire and watch it grow.
Danny Lesslie
5/9/17 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
:20 Handstand Hold
12 Bottom Up KB Presses (Ea)
12 Hollow Rocks
Then, in teams of 3, AMRAP 15
Partner A: :60 Max Wall Balls (20/14)
Partner B: 8 DB Renegade Rows (AHAP)
Partner C: Rest
**Score is team wall ball rep total