The alternative DEUCE Skull logo is featured on our newest vacuum sealed water bottle. You can keep forty ounces of any liquid hot or cold in this one. Not only do we have our water bottle selection stocked, we’ve added the DEUCE Flip Top Bottle that works great for not just water, but coffee on the go. The traveler mug can hold eighteen ounces comfortably.
As always, you can grab these DEUCE exclusive items in store or online. Our online store ships world wide!
Logan Gelbrich
4/26/17 WOD
Make 3 attempts at the following:
Max Kipping Pullups
Then, complete 2 rounds for reps of:
:60 Max Sledgehammer Strikes
-Rest 1 min-
:60 Max 50′ Sled Push
-Rest 1 min-
:60 Max Deadlifts (205/155)
-Rest 1 min-
:60 Max Wall Balls (20/14)
-Rest 1 min-
:60 Max Hand Release Pushups
-Rest 1 min –