I’m not sure whether it was something as small as seeing the DEUCE logo stuck to the back of a proud Irish gym owner’s cell phone or if it was the more hard hitting comments from coaches saying they’ve been following closely for years to try to make their European gym more like DEUCE, but I’m having a hard time processing the Hold the Standard Summit this past weekend in Oviedo, Spain.
It’s a big world out there, people, and it’s easy to get stuck in our own little worlds. I’m writing this from Belfast, Ireland (my fourth country in two weeks) and the connection these people have to our community is nothing short of remarkable. 110 Lincoln is a little world with big impact.
I was humbled time and time again during the summit where numerous gym owners flew into a small town in northern Spain to step their game up. I gave lectures on topics from the origins and evolution of organizational culture to insights about marketing and business systems specifically practiced at DEUCE Gym. For three days, we met, did drills, toiled through assignments, and even had one-on-one mentorship meetings. Hell, we even trained together.
As much as the Internet connects the world in ways we’ve never seen before there was something overwhelmingly powerful about seeing these men and women face to face that were invested in learning about you all. They know our students, they know our leaders, and they want to have what you all have. It was a pleasure to brag about you all. While this will not be the last summit of its kind, I think the next task for DEUCE Gym is to answer the call in a big way world-wide. In order to do that, complacency will not do.
Hear me when I say the leaders that attended the summit will do great things in 2017. These efforts will come in response the effort we can give at home to hold the standard, so recognize that this is a burden of responsibly. It can only be managed with our best effort.
Be proud. The world is watching you.
Logan Gelbrich
NOTE: Interested in the next summit? Inquire at seminar@deucegym.com
4/6/17 WOD
Complete the following for time:
1 Mile Run
50 Lunges
40 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
30 DB Push Presses (50/30)
20 Pullups
10 Burpees