As a skeptic and chronically curious obsessor over all things high performance, I question everything we do here. I figure, if I can break the logic behind some of our behavior, then we can improve it (or can it all together). If I can’t, then there’s even more power in our actions.
Well, it’s no secret that this gym is a giant sham. We pose as a place to workout, yet we trick people into wanting and receiving more. Sure, we take people in that want a six pack in the same way we sign up the people that hear this is the toughest workout on the block. Yet, selfishly, I find that we’re extremely motivated to create a deeper purpose, as if wanting a six pack in and of itself isn’t good enough. So what if someone just wants to get their ass kicked by some notorious workout. Isn’t that enough?
It’s not.
In fact, I’ve come to find out that in my constant questioning of this logic that we are justified in creating more than what’s available just skin deep with fitness. While I’m not enough of an ego maniac to think that my hopes and desires for people are somehow more holy than their own, I am here to say there is specific, utilitarian reasoning behind why training with us must be about something bigger than a damn six pack or the swagger than comes with knowing you’re training harder than every one of your friends.
These skin deep motivations for training, like simple cosmetic changes or wanting to test your mettle, aren’t good enough reasons for doing this. Why not? Well, these reasons don’t survive the test of time. The desire for as doesn’t support a movement practice for twenty plus years. If it did, we’d be so bored with how many people had 6% body fat in our lives. This is too challenging and it’s too long of a road to stand on such shaky ground. These reasons are flimsy. Superficial reasons for training, by definition, are much less resilient than deeper rooted purpose. When life throws you some trouble, albeit financial, relationship-centered, or otherwise, your six pack goals won’t equal perseverance. You’ll quit.
While I was worried that my opinions about training goals shouldn’t be projected on others, I’ve come to find there’s justification beyond preference. All goals are valid, especially in the moment, and I urge anyone to pursue exactly what it is that you want (even if it’s just a six pack). However, if you cannot transcend these goals and make your reason for training here bigger, deeper, and more purposeful, it’s silly to assume there’s enough gas in the tank to go the distance.
Logan Gelbrich
3/21/17 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
12 Dumbbell Incline Bench
60 Banded Pull Aparts
12 Barbell Bent Over Rows
Then, complete 3 rounds for time of:
20 Hand Release Push Ups
60 Double Unders