**There will be no 9AM or 10AM GPP class this Saturday**
Nearly one hundred and fifty of you enrolled in eight weeks of lifestyle awareness, body transformation, and performance improvement. This Saturday marks the grand finale of the Whole Life Challenge. Congratulations!
Come to DEUCE Gym just before 10AM to prepare for your final performance measurement and the podium ceremony. The most improved participants will win both cash and prizes.
Please enter your body transformation information before the finals this Saturday. If you need to make up your final workout, you must do so before the event Saturday.
Let’s finish strong, challengers. See you Saturday!
Logan Gelbrich
PS – You can still reserve your BodySpec scan at DEUCE Gym this Friday by clicking here!
3/16/17 WOD
300’ Sandbag Carry (AHAP)
30 KB Swings (53/35)
1 Rope Climb