At DEUCE Gym, we do a couple things well. One of which is getting the unfit on a path to legitimate sustainable fitness. Thank goodness this is a focus of ours because it is here that lies America’s biggest health problem and most significant change opportunity. There aren’t tens of millions of Americans that are struggling from the plight of being remarkably fit, but unable to progress to reign supreme as extremely fit. It sounds silly even to say that.
There are people, many of you, in fact, that are in this position. You’ve done what is seemingly the “hard part” by transcending a fitness deficit and you’re finally living in on offense. You probably can move a little bit of weight with a barbell, can jump on a box a couple feet high, and can run more than a mile non-stop. Statistically, this makes you an outlier in our country and if you couldn’t do these things before you came, you should be extremely proud of your ability to accomplish what very few people can. Yet, you’re stuck, and stuck isn’t acceptable.
The good news is, just because the next steps may be unclear, you can continue to progress your fitness beyond your current state just like you did in the first place. If you’re “pretty fit” you’re in a position ripe for stagnation. Without any impending consequences for your level of fitness, the motivation from the bottom up isn’t as strong as when you’re rock bottom. Furthermore, since you aren’t likely an elite athlete, the pull from the top isn’t as strong as an Olympic hopeful or a race savvy weekend warrior looking to edge out every last inch of performance.
For those stuck in the middle, it’s time to recalibrate. Take inventory. What are you capable of? What are your gym stats? How can you move the need on these? What stats would you specifically enjoy moving the needle on?
Every single fitness capacity and movement pattern has an infinite opportunity for progress. All you need is awareness of your current status and clarity around new goals to leave your stagnation behind.
Logan Gelbrich
3/15/17 WOD
Odd: 20 Wall Balls
Even: 10 Toes-to-Bar
Then, complete the following for time:
Overhead Squats (135/95)
Pull Ups