As they say, “if you can measure it, you can improve it.” It’s with great pleasure that we’re hosting our friends from BodySpec here in the yard at 110 Lincoln for a unique opportunity to learn specific details about your body composition.
BodySpec is a local company that provides affordable access to a DXA scan, which is the most detailed, most accurate way to measure body composition, from bone density and lean body mass to body fat percentage and body part specific data.
If you started out the Whole Life Challenge with a scan, this is the perfect opportunity to capture the change you’ve made. Even if you haven’t done a scan before, this information is just as vital as knowing your gym stats, one rep maxes, and current physical capacities.
Members and non-members alike can enroll for a quick ten minute scan and statistical review with a professional. Click here to book your spot for Friday!
Logan Gelbrich
3/14/17 WOD
1 Muscle Up
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
12 Inverted Rows
10 Dips
Then, complete 2 rounds for time of:
200m Run
30 Push Ups
60 Squats