If you want to make changes anywhere in your life, you’ll need some control. After all, it’s likely the changes you’re seeking in your life won’t just happen to you. Unfortunately, too many of us are plenty motivated, but are focused on the wrong things.
I’ve got some vocabulary for you. The first term is lag measure. A lag is a metric you’re trying to improve upon. The second term is lead measure. A lead measure is a brand new type of effort that will affect lag measures.
Lag measures are tricky. Part of the reason they aren’t the most effective places to focus your attention is that they are result oriented, less in our control, and addressing them is often too slow and reactionary to have a real effect. Lead measures are actionable right now and don’t carry ineffective residue of past behaviors, which created the lag in the first place.
Let me give you an example. If you are unhappy with your gym attendance, the number of days you train each month is a lag measure. Focusing on how many days you make it to the gym, then, succumbs to the result oriented, out-of-our-direct-control, reactionary characteristics of all lag measures. Creating a lead measure, like increasing the number of eight plus hour nights of sleep per week, allow you to attack your lag measure directly with new, process oriented behaviors. Using a calendar to protect your training time or making plans to train with a friend are also lead measures that address your attendance, as well.
Zero in on what you want. Clearly define the lag measure before formulating a list of new lead measure actions. It’s here you will find the answers to your prayers.
Logan Gelbrich
3/7/17 WOD
Complete the following for reps:
750m Row
Max Pull Ups
-Rest 3 Minutes-
800m Run
Max Push Presses (95/65)