Have you ever been up late and seen an infomercial come on selling you some two-bit trinket? Oh, and of course, it’s now a multi-million dollar idea that you totally thought of eight years ago sitting around shooting the breeze with some buddies.
“Ah, I totally thought of that!”
News flash: we’re not short on ideas, people. In fact, we’ve got lots of ideas. Consider that it’s not for a lack of ideas that we don’t have a full blown Utopia. Now, I’m not here to stifle creativity, but the reality is brilliant ideas aren’t what changes lives (and changes the world), it’s action. Halfway decent ideas that are actionable can move mountains (SEE: the door stop). Brilliant ideas on a whiteboard somewhere, well.. are worthless. It’s the execution that counts. That’s why you aren’t making eight figures on a GPS tracker app to find lost keys and wallets, but someone else is.
I encourage you to be creative, ponder, and innovate, but you’re kidding yourself if you need better ideas. You likely just need to handle the ideas you already have.
Logan Gelbrich
3/2/17 WOD
500m Row
20 Back Squats (135/95)
20 Box Jumps (24/20)