Thank goodness for the judge and jury here. We’re governed by performance. How lucky are we to have such an objective measurement for progress? You see, when the criteria for evaluating an effort is flimsy things can get off kilter. Processes and methods can stay in place that are dysfunctional. Incentive to evolve can melt away without an accurate mirror for self-reflection.
Since we are guided and evaluated by performance, we are able to subscribe to best practices. Opinions, styles, and experience matter less than what works. You see, when increased performance is the criteria by which your methods are evaluated then ineffective methods don’t survive. Distracting factors like personal opinion, novelty, or even fun become side bars to, “Does it work?” What bubbles to the top, then, are best practices. This is why we are grounded in movement selection that includes deadlifts, presses, handstands, tumbling, jumping, and other tried and true movement practices. It’s why we have a commitment to variance. It’s the definitive reason for honing in on relative intensity.
I, for one, am grateful that our perspective of fitness is rooted in something as concrete as performance. As a result, we’re able to continually question and reinforce how we train here.
Logan Gelbrich
2/23/17 WOD
Spend 20 minutes working on muscle up skills..
Then, complete 7 rounds for time of:
3 Muscle Ups
8 Pistols