How do you respond when something happens? What is your immediate thought/action when a situation arises? I have been and have seen example after example of people caught in the same loops of Event => Destructive Reaction/Action. This leads to nothing but the same.
I have come upon a method of change again that seems to be one of the best I have heard yet. “Good.” If you have not heard of a man by the name of Jocko Willink, check him out. This is the first couple lines of his Wikipedia page:
“John ‘Jocko’ Willink is an American podcaster and retired United States Navy SEAL, who received the Silver Star and Bronze Star for his actions in the Iraq War. Willink was commander of SEAL Team Three’s Task Unit Bruiser during the 2006 Battle of Ramadi.”
His point of view is awesome, and his experience erupts from him calm voice as you listen to his stories in his podcasts.
This “Good” thing really has some teeth, and it immediately stops this pattern of behavior that we all find ourselves looped in at one time or another. The concept behind this is that we all have setbacks and failures in our lives. We all have things that are tough to deal with. Jocko’s response is “Good” then there is room for something else. Immediately you have to change your viewpoint. An example would be hearing that you didn’t get the job at an interview, “Good” you have the opportunity to find a job that suits you better.
When things go bad, don’t get feelings involved and don’t feel bad for yourself. What you need is action in another direction. “Good” starts you on this path. Feeling sorry for yourself doesn’t get you anywhere. You didn’t get your goal. “Good” now you have more time to prepare. Your master plan didn’t work out, “Good” there is more time to fine tune it.
If this has worked for a man amidst battle in some of the most dangerous parts of the world, I think it can work for you and I. Life is full of twists and turns. It is our job to adjust our perspective and our method of attack in accordance with the cards we are dealt. See you on the battlefield.
Danny Lesslie
1/17/17 WOD
Strict Press
Then, complete 5 rounds for time of:
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups