It’s party time, people. This Saturday from 7-11PM is our annual holiday party. It’s just blocks from the gym at 436 Lincoln Blvd at the same beautiful event space we held it at last year.
You can expect to be fed dinner, entertained with LIVE music, enjoy an array of beverages, and good company. If you are drinking, you must pre-purchase your drink wrist band. It’s $25 and the bar is open all night. Coach Emily or I can take payment for this.
This party is a celebration of all your hard work this year and we want everyone to feel welcome. Please brings friends and family, too!
We’ll see you this Saturday. Also, you can make it ‘Facebook’ Official here!
Logan Gelbrich
12/8/16 WOD
50′ Farmer’s Carry (155/105)
12 Burpees-to-Plate
-Rest 4 minutes-
8 Strict Pull Ups
12 DB Clean and Presses (50/30)