I want you to think about the Super Bowl. Think about the journey of each of those players. Think about the first time as a kid, when they picked up a football. Think about them watching football on TV on Sundays eating popcorn. Think about when they started to play pee-wee football, then they played in high school on Friday nights. Think about the marching band playing during the games, and the cheerleaders, and the fans. Then, they played in college. Think about how many times they practiced and put on their pads. Think about how many up-downs they did along the way. Think about how many times they lost. Think about when they first made it to the NFL. Think about when they memorized a playbook for the first time. Think about how many injuries were along the way. Think about making it to the playoffs. Then, they made it to the Big Game! Then, they won the Super bowl by one point.
Did they celebrate? Did they get rings? Did all of their childhood dreams come true? Was it all worth it? Is it real? In the history books, does it count? I believe the answer to all of these is a resounding, “YES!”
Now, what is the separation between winning and losing? It’s one point that just happens to be on top of a mountain of work and experience. Yet, it is as real as can be.
Think about when you pick up a barbell. Think about the most you ever lifted. This may seem like a dumb question, but was there some gratification in that lift? Imagine the day when you step back up to the bar to attempt to beat this lift. Imagine that you beat it by one pound. Are you celebrating? Is is a PR? Is is the best you have ever done? Damn right! If one point counts in the Super Bowl, you better believe one pound counts in the weight room.
Not every PR will be twenty or thirty pounds, in fact most of them won’t. Don’t get discouraged by steady improvement. This game of strength is going to be a journey. Take each pound and run with it. Celebrate each one! Don’t get greedy, take the victory, and celebrate. Come back tomorrow and get another one. Stack a bunch of these together and you are really getting somewhere.
Danny Lesslie
11/17/16 WOD
Pause Front Squats
Complete the following for time of:
12-9-6-3 DB Snatches (50/30)
12-9-6-3 Dynamic Pushups
200m Run