You can now master your body in ways you thought to be impossible. Our specialty course, DEUCE Gymnastics, is being revived and it’s got teeth. Athletes of all fitness levels will have multiple opportunities each week to delve into bodyweight strength, mobility, and expression.
This coaching rich environment is perfect for an athlete looking to get his/her first pull up, improve kipping mechanics, or even mastering a front lever. DEUCE Gymnastics is headed up by GPP coach and movement master, Chris Pińedo, every Monday and Wednesday at 10AM.
Athletes are able to drop-in, no strings attached, to any class meeting for $20. Or, one can take advantage of the insane monthly unlimited option of $50 for more value than you can fit in both hands.
Movers, get to moving!
Logan Gelbrich
11/14/16 WOD
Find a 2RM Strict Press
3×12 DB Tate Presses
3×10 Ring Rows
Then, AMRAP 9
9 Pullups
9 DB Thrusters (50/30)
100′ Sled Push