I believe that today is the most valuable day in your training life.
I believe each day is a fork in the road.
I believe the first day is the hardest.
I believe the decision made to train today influences a decision tomorrow.
I believe time spent training is time well spent.
I believe in changes in volume, preference, and style of training.
I believe in holding yourself to the fire.
I believe the decision to train bleeds into all other areas of your life.
I believe in the pursuit, not the product.
I believe continually making the choice to train transforms you.
I believe a life with training is a more fulfilled life.
I believe on the day you reach your goal, you appreciate the journey
I believe that the training is up to you.
We are here, and we are training. Feel free to join.
Danny Lesslie
11/9/16 WOD
Box Squat
10 Pullups
10 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
10 Deadlifts (225/185)