In an effort to help our friends fund clinical trials towards treatment of a pediatric cancer called neuroblastoma. For weeks we’ve been raising money with a small group called Wade’s Army to make a massive difference in an area of medicine that is under supported and thoroughly tragic.
We’re auctioning off a fitness get-a-way of a lifetime, which includes:
Domestic Airfare for TWO
Two Nights Lodging at the Local DEUCE Gym Air BnB
Three Days of Training at DEUCE Gym
Official DEUCE Gym Gear
To enter, you’ll need to bid on this link. Bidding closes November 12th at noon sharp. Of course, if you’re a student at DEUCE Gym this isn’t for you, but it could be for a friend or a family member! Help us demolish pediatric cancer!
Want to donate regardless? DONATE HERE!
Logan Gelbrich
11/2/16 WOD
Complete 5 rounds for time of:
20 DB Walking Lunges (50/30)
20 Toes-to-Bar
20 Burpees
200m Run