With a personal net worth of $71 billion, Jeff Bezos is regarded as one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world. While there is plenty we can learn from him, I think the most important lessons aren’t about the orchestra of automation he’s responsible for that’s changed consumerism on a global scale. Instead, we can observe the story of a young kid who not only started things but was willing to finish them. He was a tinkerer, but he was also resilient.
Starting is easy. Finishing the job is another story.
While Jeff Bezos eventually chose the name, Amazon, as title to the world’s largest marketplace, few are aware that in 1994 Bezos registered Relentless.com, as well. He still owns the URL to this day and if you type it in your browser, you’ll quickly learn that Amazon is not just something he was willing to start. He plans to finish.
While starting the the first step to anything spectacular, it and of itself is quite unremarkable. You’ll need to be relentless to enjoy a spectacle. Interested in something remarkable? You’d better be relentless.
Logan Gelbrich
10/24/16 WOD
Complete the following for time:
1 Mile Run
30 Clean and Jerks (135/95)