If you follow our notorious Instagram and Twitter accounts, you may have heard about Joe yesterday. Joe is a neighbor to the gym and has walked by thousands of times only resulting various greetings and hand waving, but nothing more. Last week that all changed.
Having recently struggled with some leg pain, Joe was encouraged by his doctor to ride the stationary bike. At 86 years old, Joe isn’t interested in slowing down anytime soon, so he finally stepped inside the yard to inquire. That’s when he met Danny.
After telling Danny his story, he was sure to mention he had no desire to go down to the “24 Hour Fitness.” The question was, could he ride the bike here?
As you all know by now, we are interested in helping motivated individuals and Joe fits the bill perfectly. As a result, you can find Joe riding the bike for thirty minutes every couple days. If you see him, say “Hello” and swap some motivation.
Logan Gelbrich
9/23/16 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for time of:
400m Run
12 Overhead Squats (95/65)
15 Toes-to-Bar