Curiosity isn’t just a cute characteristic from a queue of human emotions. Curiosity is hardwired into your DNA for your own survival. Though “curiosity killed the cat,” it has driven the evolution of humanity, and for that reason, we must pay attention to it.
On the most basic level, we must evolve or die. This is true literally, figuratively, acutely, and it remains true as macro as you’d like to view it. If we’re called to evolve, call curiosity your natural inkling to survive because you’ll need to continue to leave no stone unturned in your life to progress and evolve. Curiosity is the nudge to live.
This is true of your physicality, your emotions, your spirituality, and, of course, your intellect. Feeling curious? Bathe in it. Pour gasoline on it. Set curiosity ablaze!
Logan Gelbrich
9/14/16 WOD
Complete the following for time of:
800m Run
15 Front Squats (155/105)
400m Run
15 Hang Power Cleans
200m Run
15 Shoulder to Overhead