One of my favorite movie lines of all time is the advice that Crash Davis gives his young pitcher, Ebby Calvin “Nuke” LaLoosh, in Bull Durham. The savvy catcher tells the young man with a million dollar arm and a five cent brain, “Don’t think. It only hurts the ball club.”
This resonates with the rookie, who’s fully capable once he gets out of his own way. Our minds are no place to spend a great deal of time, especially when it comes to movement and general fitness goals. Don’t think.
The success here is going to come with a long road approach. Show up and put out, show up and put out, and show up and put out.
Logan Gelbrich
9/8/16 WOD
Spend 15 minutes on rope climb technique..
Then, AMRAP 15
50′ Sled Push
2 Stone 2 Shoulder (AHAP)
15 Double KB Swing (53/35)
3 Deadlift (315/225)