Happenstance Immunity

**Today’s regular classes are cancelled. Join us at 10AM for a community workout**

When you’ve mastered regularity in a quality lifestyle you become somewhat immune to unique events. Conversely the unestablished lifestyle may leave you feeling like unexpected events are significant barriers to your own success. For the aware eater, for example, a piece of cake at an unexpected birthday party isn’t a point of derailment. Yet, for the waffling eater (no pun intended), cake crossing his/her path at the party feels more like a sign of the times. “Ugh, I just can’t get on track!”

Training is the same way. Today’s Labor Day holiday is but a blip on the radar screen of a compliant worker-outer. Dare I say it’s a much needed shake up in the routine? But, for the untrained, uncommitted it might feel like another road block in the impossibility of a regular fitness practice.

Noticing how much of the gym is outside, sometimes people ask, “What do you do when it rains?” To which I often say, “I don’t know. Does it matter?”

If you think the rain or birthdays or any other specific happenstance is the difference between you now and the fittest you could ever want to be, then I’d argue not even a climate free, birthday-less, uninterrupted scheduled life could even save you.


Logan Gelbrich


9/5/16 WOD


Complete 3 rounds for time:
800 meter Run
30 Dumbbell Squat Cleans (50/35 lbs)
30 Burpees

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