Maybe things seem mistakenly obvious to me, but I often have socially unacceptable feelings about individuals that have the tools to help themselves but still waffle. If you find yourself wondering why you don’t have confidence you want or the strength you want or the body composition you want, I’d ask you a different question.
Why would you?
It’s not like these kind of outcomes just happen upon people. You haven’t done the challenging work that makes one confident. If you did, you would be. It seems silly to just wish to be stronger. Strong people make themselves that way, after all. If you haven’t done the reps, I can’t think of a bigger waste of energy than looking across the room envious of a guy or girl who’s stronger asking yourself, “But, why?” Furthermore, the body composition thing is the oldest trick in the book and quite frankly if yours isn’t what you want it to be, it shouldn’t be news to you that you’ll have to eat like a winner and train your ass off. That’s it.
None of these things are alluding you, which it often sounds like. You’re, most accurately speaking, alluding them. Now, I’m not saying everyone should feel the same way or be capable of the same feats of strength or have the same body fat percentage. All I’m saying is it seems silly to be surprised if you don’t have your results.
Of course, this isn’t a post isn’t a shame game. It’s a dose of reality. It’s a quick reminder to spend less time in your head and more time doing.
Logan Gelbrich
8/23/16 WOD
50 Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Burpees
20 Wall Balls (20/14)
400m Run