My favorite question for myself and others is, “What are you becoming?” It’s the directionality of the question that maintains its relevance. It’s inherently process oriented, which trumps any focus on results. Whether you’re on life’s mountain tops or in the depths of you life’s struggle, the question “What are you becoming?” bears the same honest weight.
Harvard University professor, Ronald Heifetz, echoed perfectly this focus of directionality when he noticed the similar focus on the process in Socrates:
“When Socrates described himself, he drew a crucial distinction between wisdom and a passion for wisdom. Having a passion for wisdom surpassed the attainment of wisdom. Curiosity was a cirture. Indeed, he considered only a life of ongoing examination worth living.”
No matter how much you accomplish (or don’t accomplish), there will be a thousand examples that put your story to shame. Focus then on the process for curiosity will always outweigh wisdom. What are you becoming?
Logan Gelbrich
8/22/16 WOD
3 Rounds for Quality:
10 Russian Dips
100′ Sled Rows
5 Handstands
Then, Complete for the following for time:
30 Push Press (115/75)
30 Front Squat
30 Deadlift