We’re proud to announce a collaboration with Solè Bicycles. Their headquarters are less than a mile from the gym, and they make beautiful bikes. The custom DEUCE Gym bike is a single speed bike with a light frame and thin enough tires to get moving with authority. The matte black finish is accented with gold racing stripes and the DEUCE word mark and infamous “2.”
You can purchase this dream bike at our online store or in person at the gym. Shipping is included in the retail price, and the bike comes 90% assembled. Also, these bikes can be shipped worldwide so whether you’re holding the standard around Venice Beach or abroad, we invite you to pick ups new bike.
+10 lifestyle points!
Logan Gelbrich
8/18/16 WOD
Axle Bar Bench Press
Complete the following for time:
Cleans (185/135)
Box Jumps (30/24)