Episode 4 is already making its way around the internet. This is a special episode featuring our friends from Power Athlete HQ. While Luke Summers and Tex McQuilkin are thought leaders on training for sport, they obviously know how to have a good time. Here are the rules:
The game is “DEUCE.” Much like the classic basketball game “HORSE,” missed efforts earn a letter. The first player to earn D-E-U-C-E loses. The game starts with a chug off. The loser gets a letter. The winner chooses the first challenge. If you call your shot and miss you earn a letter.
All standards are officiated by the ref. Trash talk is encouraged. And, if both players are tied at the end the ref issues the final challenge. Play. To. Win.
This is ‘Episode 4’ is hilarious. If you want more access to all things DEUCE Media, subscribe to our YouTube Channel.
Play to win.
Logan Gelbrich
8/12/16 WOD
Find a Heavy 50′ Yoke Carry
1: 250′ Shuttle Sprint
2: 10 DB Reverse Lunges (50/30)
3: 8 Pull Ups