DEUCE Media in continuing with its new web series, “D-E-U-C-E.” It’s much less serious and educational than, say, the Tuesday Movement Insights, but those of you that know DEUCE Gym know that fun is a cornerstone in our community.
The game is “DEUCE.” Much like the classic basketball game “HORSE,” missed efforts earn a letter. The first player to earn D-E-U-C-E loses. The game starts with a chug off. The loser gets a letter. The winner chooses the first challenge. If you call your shot and miss you earn a letter.
All standards are officiated by the ref. Trash talk is encouraged. And, if both players are tied at the end the ref issues the final challenge. Play. To. Win.
This is ‘Episode 3’ and it features two men that are used to screen time. Vice World of Sports’ Sal Masekela takes on director, Nick King. With a ten year age gap, will this be even close?
If you haven’t already subscribed to our YouTube Channel, now would be the time!
Play to win.
Logan Gelbrich
7/18/16 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality:
20 Banded Rotations (Each)
8 Med Ball Russian V Tosses (Each)
Then, AMRAP 12
9 DB Shoulder to Overhead (50/30)
12 Hand-to-Hand KB Swings (70/53)
15 Squats