Numerous times in the last five years, I’ve mouthed to myself the words, “How’d did I get here?” One of these instances occurs in the summer time. Every Tuesday and Thursday I make the trip up to Malibu to do some pool training. Well, the pool is part of it. There’s the dumbbell pool workouts, time in the sauna, and particularly memorable moments spent submerged in ice up to your neck.
There’s a bit of local lore about this particular pool. It’s guarded and exclusive, to say the least. Personally, any fitness result is trumped by the osmosis effect of being surrounded by greatness. It’s the kind of thing that if you get invited to, you say “Yes” and figure out the rest later.
Without blowing my cover too much, I’ve been inspired by being surrounded by legends there. For some perspective there’s a moment that comes to mind being crammed into a six person sauna sitting across from one of Hollywood’s biggest stars, who’s sitting next to one of the Beastie Boys, who’s sitting across from the most notable music producers in history, who’s sitting across from a Hall of Fame basketball coach ,who’s sitting next to a super model, who’s sitting across from the greatest big wave surfer of all time. Then, there’s me..
Humbled, I began sharing some recent words of wisdom that I got last time I was at the pool with a friend. While I didn’t understand why I was deserving of the opportunity, my friend looked me in the face and said, “Your entire life got you in that pool.”
I guess he’s right.
This wouldn’t be the first time I’ve talked about your personal brand, but that’s besides the point. Here’s the long and the short of it. Whether you realize it or not, the only thing you really have is your reputation and you’re building it (or not) every single day.
With a quality reputation, you’d be surprised at how many pools you’ll get into and the company you keep. Funny thing is the people in the pool think it’s luck and the people outside the pool think it’s rigged against them.
Logan Gelbrich
7/11/16 WOD
Spend 15 minutes on grip strength..
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
15 Back Squats (155/105)
30 Hand Release Push Ups
400m Run