DEUCE Gym is playing host to the one and only CrossFit Strongman Seminar. This is a one day course to expose athletes and coaches to the strongman movements and implements with the intention of including these tactics into GPP training, namely CrossFit methodology.
I’ve been fortunate enough to teach this course to interested men and women of all kinds of fitness levels across the world. This October 16th we are excited to share this course with you in our own backyard!
You don’t need to be a CrossFit Level 1 trainer to participate, and I promise this seminar will have a profound effect on how you think about training. Furthermore, you might just have more fun that you’ve ever had in a gym!
Make it ‘Facebook Official’ here!
Logan Gelbrich
6/21/16 WOD
1: 15 Situps
2: 12 Double Kettle Bell Swings (53/35)
3: 5 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)