Mechanics, technique, form.. There are many words for how you execute a movement. On the daily here at DEUCE, we work with athletes on these things. It is an integral part of our curriculum to achieve solid movement patterns before we apply intensity. We can think of intensity in regards to increased load or increased speed of repetition. Achieving proficiency in a movement pattern doesn’t secure your success in every lift but it helps out a whole hell of a lot. It helps to ensure safety and safe progress along your rise to strength domination.
With any lift, you can imagine that the beginning of the lift/setup will have some effect on the outcome of the effort. If you are lackadaisical in your setup, it makes a lot of sense how you may have missed the rep. Just yesterday I had an athlete miss a lift that was well below what he was capable of lifting. The lift in question was a bench press. In the setup for bench press we are looking for an arched spine, arms locked out, and wrists directly above shoulders amongst other things, of course. It is important that you establish control after you unrack the bar. If you do, you have a lot better chance of being in control of the bar on the descent to your chest.
Take an example where this athlete not setup properly. His elbows were not quite locked out, and his wrists were not directly above his shoulders. He did not take the time to setup. The bar quickly came out of the rack and immediately was on its way down. The bar descended to his chest and he felt like he was not able to push well. He didn’t feel like he had access to the same power that he normally does, and he was correct. The bar did not make it much more than an inch off his chest. I helped him rerack the bar, and frustration.
“I know I can do that!”
And, he was right. Chalk that effort up as a failed attempt. Failed attempts are a great teacher in weightlifting. The barbell always has a way of keeping us in check, does it?
We have control over certain things in lifting. We don’t always have control over the outcome of the lift., but you damn sure have a better chance if you have the mechanics down pat and you setup well. Your ability to produce force is directly related to your setup for the lift. So, give yourself a chance, set up, and make the lift. See you in class and we’ll get you dialed in.
Danny Lesslie
6/16/16 WOD
250m Row
12 DB Snatches (AHAP)
10 Deadlifts (185/135)