Let me tell you a quick story about undeniable good. While playing football in college, Chris Moore developed a set of beliefs that put him on a path to transcend any and all stereotypes and expectations. From a competitive powerlifting career at the highest level, Chris trained at the world’s strongest gym, Westside Barbell. Yet even with a 975 pound squat, you couldn’t call him just a meathead because he couldn’t be pinned down so simply.
He studied and later taught undergrad in muscle physiology and anatomic kinesiology at the University of Tennessee. Not only has he penned more than fifty academic manuscripts, he’s the author of numerous successful books. Chris, lived up to the nickname Barbell Buddha in how he spoke, how he thought, and how he lived. Man, I’ll tell you, he asked the absolute best questions.
Keep in mind that life isn’t just accolades. This beautiful talent was the guy you wanted next to you at breakfast, at the bar, riding shotgun on a long road trip. His southern accent was infectious. His sense of humor wasn’t just witty, it was his signature. As brilliant of a transcendent thinker as he was, he couldn’t get through more than two inspiring statements in a row without making you laugh no matter how serious the topic was. Life isn’t seriousness, either. Chris taught us that well.
Since meeting Chris, he took on his own journey to transform his health both mentally and physically. I can’t tell you how much weight he lost or how much better he felt, but I can tell you I watched an incredible commitment and execution of a goal that was remarkable. This man was inspiring thousands of people with his words, but he was never talking more than he was doing.
After co-founding, Barbell Shrugged, which reached international fame largely because of their podcast insight, Chris was living in a dream. First moving across the country to living by the ocean on San Diego, then finally to Amsterdam. He was producing good in himself and he was producing good in the world around him. There is no contesting that.
On Monday, Chris was unable to be resuscitated from sudden heart failure in his new home in Amsterdam. He was 35 years old. He was doing all the things that one could ever hope for themselves and the world we live in. Big man, the verdict is in: you did good!
I’m going to miss you, buddy.
Logan Gelbrich
6/9/16 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for time of:
15 Deadlifts (135/95)
12 Front Rack Lunges
9 Front Squats