When teaching the CrossFit Strongman seminar on the road, I often talk about the “dinner party effect” (ALSO SEE: the middle school dance effect). I remind the group of strangers awkwardly learning how to interact with each other that we’ve all been to a dinner party where on the drive home you’ve wished everyone just decided to have a good time. Instead, rather, it’s almost human nature to sit back and wonder, “Is she supposed to lead the fun? Maybe that guy will take charge.” Meanwhile the entire dinner party is having the same thought, no one is taking action, and awkward stares at your cutlery ensues.
The middle school dance is atrociously ironic and similar. You get a couple hundred kids in a room that would love nothing more than to have the time of their lives and be comfortable with each other. In return, they manifest their nightmare: guys on one side, girls on the other — sitting.
In the seminar, there are usually some laughs when I bring this up. To which I follow up with, “Let’s all just decide right now that we want to have a good time.” After all don’t we?
We’ve done a great job at this here at DEUCE Gym. The vibes are fun and comfortable, but it takes work. If you’re ever in a scenario where it feels like your awkwardly staring at your plate while you pretend to cut your dinner party steak, cut it out. Let’s all agree to have a good time!
Logan Gelbrich
4/28/16 WOD
Make 5 attempts of the following barbell complex for load:
2 Hang Cleans
1 Push Press
3 Hang Cleans
1 Jerk
Then, AMRAP 2
Max Burpees