Did you know this is the 1338th blog post here? It’s been five days a week for five years now and the whole thing started as an effort to communicate a message. I’m not sure any one post or article has done that, but maybe they all in total are starting to share the idea.
Ironically, it’s 12:15PM and I haven’t the slightest clue what to say to you all. As I was beginning to let this bother me, I realized that it’s never been about the message of the day, anyway. Sure, some are pointed motivators while others spark some deep rooted inspiration, but none leave us with the answers. It’s about everything. The message is everything together; sum.
Call me a crazy, but as much as this post doesn’t matter neither does tomorrow’s workout. Your fitness will be the sum of everything. With that in mind, some days are much more about showing up than having it all right.
Keep showing up. Shall we?
Logan Gelbrich
4/26/16 WOD
Complete 5 rounds for time of:
800m Run
30 KB Swings (70/53)
30 Pullups