At DEUCE Gym, we’re very immersed in our community. After all, the very elements of our zip code are woven into our gym fabric. The 800m run is most literally a part of Venice Beach. Those that commute on the city’s most notorious motorway, Lincoln Blvd., trade glances with us. Our people come from the community and our people go out and effect our community.
In that way, we are opening an opportunity for three local small businesses to work with us so everyone can benefit. If a local small business has five or more employees committed to movement training and being coached at DEUCE, they are eligible for the incentives of the partnership.
Accountability will exist on both sides, but if you’ve had any experience here, you know what this environment can do for productivity, confidence, and comraderee.
If you or someone you know has a business in Venice Beach that could use a ‘Hold the Standard’ culture, please email info@deucegym.com.
Logan Gelbrich
4/7/16 WOD
Make 2 attempts at Max Distance Sandbag Carry (AHAP)
Then, complete the following for time:
25 Deadlift (BW)
15 Hang Power Clean
5 Shoulder to Overhead