If you’re a city slicker like most of us training at DEUCE Gym, life is, in a literal sense, far from quiet. Even early in the morning or just before bed, these times that are traditionally thought of as quiet times are filled with the sound of lawnmowers, traffic, airplanes, and our household gadgets. Metaphorically speaking, this “noise” extends far beyond auditory nuisances. As a result, we are less likely to perk up to important signals coming our way.
Many times when us city folk find ourselves in a position of true calm, say camping or in a rural town house, the quiet can be deafening. While basking in clarity, we become hyper-aware. Your ears notice the slightest murmur of animal life outside. You may even look up and notice the stars in ways you never would in the cluttered white noise of life at home. Your senses become peaked to your surroundings.
One would imagine, then, the value of this high level awareness. We are remarkably perceptive creatures in a still environment, albeit literal or metaphorical. Existing free of chaos, clutter, and white noise can help develop more intuitive relationships with ourselves, our physical bodies, and even our surroundings.
The key to this observation is bringing the hyper-aware sensing that comes with tranquil waters to our every day lives. Chances are if you’re Mister or Miss Hustle and Bustle you aren’t in tune with your vessel and your surroundings. After all, it’s only in calm waters that we can feel the subtlest ripples underneath our boat.
Logan Gelbrich
3/30/16 WOD
15 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
Max Cal Row
-Rest 5 minutes-
20 Hang Power Cleans
Max Cal Row
-Rest 5 minutes-
25 Deadlifts
Max Cal Row